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Website:Clever Proxy
Category:Interesting, Web Tools
Comment: This website allows you to type in any website address and we will serve it to you through our servers. This allows you to remain far more anonymous than you normally would be surfing the internet. There are literally hundreds of similar proxy websites across the internet, however, the majority of these proxies are often very slow. Most proxies run on slow servers amongst many other sites. At peak times, these other proxies generally slow down to a crawl or don't work out all. Also, most proxy sites disappear regularly.

This proxy service is different. We host it on high grade equipment in cluster configuration. Even at peak times we are running at full speed. We have been running www.cleverproxy.com continuously for a long time and have no plans on closing down any time soon. We recommend you add this site to your bookmarks and have fun.
Ranking:1504Thursday, October 17, 2024 10/17/2024 06:38:42 PM

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